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I remember coming into the kitchen when my mom was cooking dinner, starving and begging to know when dinner was ready. My mom would then offer us some raw carrots as she prepared the meal. I loved it because I got something to eat to hold me over, plus I prefer raw carrots to cooked and I got to skip my carrots at dinner time.
With my son I do the same thing. When I am preparing dinner and he gets hungry, I give him raw veggies with salad dressing as dip to eat while he waits. Another spin I put on this is to feed him his veggies first – he likes broccoli and tomatoes best – when he is having one of his favorite meals like macaroni and cheese or pizza. This way he gets a large serving of veggies in I don’t have to worry about him telling me he is full after inhaling all the yummy stuff. He gets his vegetables in while he is hungry and then doesn’t fill up with only the less healthy foods. For more great “Works for me Wednesday” tips, visit |
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luvmykatydid says
Good idea. My son used to actually like frozen veggies while they were still frozen. I guess to him it made him feel like he was getting a treat, so I’d give him frozen green beans and peas or carrots before I cooked them at dinner.
Theresa says
Good one…I do this too. My kids don’t get their meals all at once. I give it to them in the order I want it to be eaten and save the yummies for last! Until they figure it out of course! 🙂
Pam says
Very clevah woman!!
e says
That’s a really good idea. I’m going to remember that one.
Pastormac's Ann says
Very clever! I’ll have to try that one.
Lisa says
Great idea, now if I can just get him to taste the veggies….
Nikkie says
That is a really good idea! I’ve been known to do the same thing myself as I make dinner!
Laurie says
What a good idea. Those little tummies just can’t always wait until dinner is on the table. I still have to remind my big, grown and practically grown boys to wait until prayer. They seem to think they will die if they don’t begin to ingest the food immediately.
Carol says
Oh, good one! Great way to make veggies seem more like a treat!
Mom2fur says
Smart lady! It’s funny, my 2nd son actually preferred broccoli over noodles when he was a kid. Go figure. Today his big thing is salad with red wine vinegar. No oil, just vinegar. Saves a lot of calories but it makes me cringe.