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The other day I started to panic because my baby stopped moving. She’s never been a big kicker and I don’t hear that much from her most days, but she went from a little movement to nothing at all.
I phoned my OB and went in to make sure she was just playing quietly in there.
(Before I continue, I must say that I do very much like my doctor. He did an amazing job delivering Julia, and I am very thankful to have him… even if he frustrates me sometimes.)
Thankfully, he quickly found her heartbeat and reported that the reason I couldn’t feel her movement was because she had moved herself into a breech position.
I was so relieved she was still alive, but I moaned… oh no, I don’t want a C-section.
My doctor, with all the quick answers, simply informed me that I wasn’t to worry, he’d do an external version. Within a minute I was at the receptionist’s desk signing releases and booking this not-so-fun procedure to take place in less than a week.
Stunned, I stumbled out of the office and began to collect my thoughts.
Julia also had been breech at this same time – 35 weeks. At that time, the same doctor had recommended I not do an external version and instead elect a C-section. Thankfully, Julia at 38 weeks flipped herself around and we avoided the knife.
I pondered the situation. Hmmm… Julia moved on her own… maybe her little sister will too?
I went home and did some googling. Sure enough there were lots of suggestions — most of which would have sent Dr. Quick Answer’s eyes rolling — about natural tricks to encouraging a breech baby to get her own little body moved into blastoff position.
That night I spent some time on all fours with my rear in the air and I did some gentle massaging and encouraging baby to move.
And can you believe it?
She DID!
Today I went for an ultrasound and my good little girl had listened to her mommy and moved herself out of her breech position. Now, I don’t know if she’ll stay with her head correctly nestled above my bladder, but at least for now we can cancel our appointment for that external version. Yippee!
So how about you?
Have you ever had a breech baby? Did you get baby to move or did you have to have a C-section? Or did you actually naturally deliver a breech baby? (My husband was breech and he broke his arm on his way through his momma’s birth canal.) I don’t think I’d be brave enough to attempt a natural delivery for a breech baby… but what about you?
Derek says
My wife is at 38wks and 1 day. Our little guy is breech. Tried everything under the sun to turn him. Attempted an external version today without success. I must say, this is the most stressful pregnancy of my three kids.
Billie says
I too am at 37 weeks and have a frank breech baby. I felt him turn at 32 weeks head up and has not turned down since. I have a scheduled inverson next friday but am a little scared so i was searching on line for similar stories. Apparently, if the baby does not turn by 39 weeks, my doc wants to do a c/s. Our first came very early and vaginally so I was hoping for a text book vaginal delivery with this one but am coming to terms with reality that you can not control how your baby enters into this world and I just pray for a health and happy baby.
sue says
I too do not want a c-section, I will be 39 weeks in three days. My baby is a footling breech and the doctors are worried so they scheduled a c-section for this friday. I am so angry, disappointed, frustrated. I have two other children, I gave birth to them naturally. My daughter was 9lb and my son 91/2lb. both came on their due date. I wish I could wait a week, I’m praying for a miricle and she turns. I keep asking myself why? I should be happy that I am going to have a healthy baby girl, so why do I feel so angry at everyone, and depressed. I know people with real problems. I have a friend who is blind. ps I did the external inversion. It was terrible, and it did not work, I am going to the chiropractor, did the floor thing, pees on belly thing, everything.
Lisa says
My baby was determined to be breech at 37 weeks and I was scheduled for a version,(which after some research, I decided to cancel with the chance of putting my little girl in harms way) So I was scheduled for a c-section last Wednesday (the 19th) and I went in an had an ultrasound done only to find out she flipped on her own head down!!!! I was super excited!!!! So Today, I went to my last prenatal appt. only to find out she flipped again and is now back to breech!!!! She really can’t make up her mind!!! So tomorrow I an headed back to the hospital for a scheduled c-section!!!!! What ever is best for the baby!!!!! Maybe she’ll flip tonight!!!!!
Jennifer says
This whole breech business is pretty stressful for those of us who really want a natural childbirth experience. At this point, I am so desperate that I’d settle just for a birthing experience, as opposed to a scheduled c-section. We’re doing everything mentioned above too. Our baby is very active, so that gives me hope. However, at 36.5 weeks, we’re really fighting the clock. I am going for weekly ultrasounds and non-stress tests (I mean, super-mom-stress tests), fun, fun. Talk about an intervention happy pregnancy! I am happy to hear that some babies have flipped at late dates–it gives me hope!
megan says
I am 37 weeks yesterday and had the cephalic version done at the hospital 2 days ago- it was unsucessful. And yes, it is not for the weary!
I have tried EVERYthing…. froozen peas on head, loud music on head, soft music and light in pelvic region, on all fours, inversion off the couch, hypnotherapy, acupuncture with moxa stick, chiropractic alignment, flips in pools, diving to bottom of deep end (once in the pool), handstands, pelvic rocks, visualization, talking to him/her, dancing, swaying, smart resting (see … so I am so happy to hear that it can still happen! I really want a natural childbirth!
Carrie says
My second little man was breech until 35 weeks. I did some exercises I read about online. I don’t know if they helped, or the babe just got sick of the position he was in… whatever the case, he moved! I was SO thankful! But boy oh boy, I’ve never felt anything quite like that, when he moved. OUCH!
Hooray for avoiding a c-section!
Karen Woodward says
I didn’t have a breech baby but my second child was always so calm and quiet. I would sit down everyday during my toddler’s nap time just to see if I could feel her moving. She’s nearly 15 now and is still my calm and quiet one.
Tamara says
I spent 3 months on bedrest with my last we had 7 weeks to go and the doctor said she’s not growing come back next week and we will check again. At that point she was ready and I could have been induced. In a week she turned breach, the doctor lifted my bedrest told me to do what ever I wanted over the weekend, in hopes to turn her around. Because that Monday my little girl was going to be born one way or the other. Well I had to have a C-section and if I ever wanted another kid, I would have to have a C-section because of trying to get my miracle into the world.
Jen in MS says
Yay! I’m glad she turned!
My fourth and final pregnancy (and my 1st boy) was transverse. He wasn’t very active in the womb so I did worry that he wouldn’t get head down……and he didn’t! I went into labor for the first time on my own (without induction) and after hours of labor, ended up with my first c-section! That’s not supposed to happen that way! LOL It wasn’t fun, but I was glad he arrived safe and healthy!
Carrie says
Glad you’re ok. I’ve never had that problem, I’m sure it would scare me to death! Hope everything goes well for you all.
Heather - Girly Blog Designz says
All three of mine were in odd positions, and my last two were both breech towards the end but eventually ended up in the right position. MY first one though was sunnyside up and I had to have a c-section with her, and I had VBAC’s with my last two.
I am with you I would not be interested in attempting a breech delivery, I would be too scared. 🙂
Laura says
No breach babies, but I had two that were sideways and I ended up having to have two emergency c-sections. One was head down at first and I was 4 centimeters, he turned sideways and I had to have the c-section. The other one never turned… and I had complications that required him being delivered 6 weeks early. He turns one in a couple of weeks! (October 3rd)
Amy says
My daughter (first born) was vaginally delivered breech due to some health complications. I had no medications and it actually hurt less than my “normally” delivered son. I acutally thought it might have felt better (if pushing a baby out can feel good!! HAHA) since her butt came out first and stretched things out slowly for her head to come out. I would do it again either way!!
Shera says
Towards the end of my pregnancy with the twins baby B decided he should stay in a breech position for a month or so. Because I had already birthed so many other children naturally (my first was 10 lbs and totally paved the way LOL) the doctors felt that I could deliver a breech baby easily as long as a trained dr. was present.
Best case scenario he turned right side down, worst case scenario (freaked me out a bit I have to admit) would be to deliver the first “naturally” and the second via c-section – eek!!!! Thankfully though the night I checked in (one of the twins was leaking amniotic fluid) they did a little ultrasound in Triage and determined that both boys had dutifully turned head down – I was thrilled!
Charlsie says
Well I have to admit that I don’t have any experience with breach babies but just wanted to say that I had no idea our due dates are so close….I have been reading this blog for awhile now and just realized it! How fun!!! Can’t wait to hear about the births:)
Karmyn R says
I’m glad the baby moved.
My grandmother delivered her 2nd baby – butt first. She went on to have 6 more children (all natural, of course). I can’t even imagine the pain involved with that!
melody is slurping life says
I have not experience with a breech baby. I’m just hear to cheer for the girl. 🙂
Race Mom says
Add me to the breech club. El was breech for the majority of her stay in my womb. I too filled out the necessary paperwork, then two weeks before her due date she did a 180 and stayed there. We were at home watching a ball game and eating hotwings. She stretched out and then did the summer-sault. Mike had his hand on my belly and felt the whole thing!
Kandy says
All 3 of mine were c-sections, so I never had to worry about them being breech. I wasn’t given the option of delivering naturally.
I’m really glad she turned for you…can’t wait to hear what happens when you tell your OB how you got her to move 🙂
Jenn says
My best friend is at 37 weeks and has tried EVERYTHING to get her breech baby to luck yet though! Good to hear some stories of obedient babies and successful breech births. She’s asked me to be her labor support during the birth, and watching a C-section was hardly what I had in mind!
Mama Luxe says
Baby Diva was worse than Breech–she was transverse!!! Which means her cord could have prolapsed if my water broke early (it did) and I couldn’t labor in that position or my uterus could burst. Wow.
I was scheduled for the external version and in the meantime did handstands in a pool and exercises (worth a try, right?).
Well, my water broke a week and a half early. A friend rushed me in at 2:30 am. Several doctors had to be called into consult and perform several ultrasounds. At which point it was determined she had moved enough into position that we could give it a try.
24 hours of labor later, my baby girl was born…but no c-section! The rest of my birthing plan had pretty much flown out the window, but I was happy that we managed to do it without the c-section. The midwife was telling me we were getting close to a real emergency. My mom was about to knock me over the head and tell them to wheel me in–but we made it work at the “second to last” push.
Sarah says
Wow! That is so great! You go girl! I am awed! God helped her out, too. 🙂 It is amazing that those little babies move like that with little room. Thanks for sharing that! I never had a breech baby, but I did deliver my third baby posterior (face up) and it burned! Good thing she had a little melon. 🙂
Stephanie says
Oops…I meant knowledge, not knowlege.
Stephanie says
Why do I often get the sneaking suspicion that doctors don’t always give the full story and all of the alternatives? Thank goodness for the Internet and the ability to obtain knowledge outside of the doctor’s office.
Striving\Tessa says
Just thinking about delivering a breech baby gives me the shivers. All my babies, thank God have beem in the appropriate position, making it very easy for this mama to deliver. I am glad that your baby moved and I will pray that she stays that way. Have a great day.
Rhen (yestheyareallmine) says
My first was a breech baby and she was a frank breech. I had a c-section. If I had known at the time what I know now I would have not had a c-section as most breech babies are deliverable and it can be done safely. Sigh. But the next 5 were all head down with the next 2 delivered at the hospital and the last 3 delivered at home.
I am glad to hear she listened to her momma and turned around!! Good girl, sweetie!!!
Amy W says
I am a twin, and my brother was born first, head first. Then I decided to come out breech (plus, they didn’t know I was coming). All was well though! No broken arms like your husband….
Kathryn says
You have to remember that they call it “practicing medicine” for a reason. Despite what some doctor’s think, they don’t know it all. It is important to trust your body, ask more questions than they want to answer (even with the eye rolling 😉 ) and make decisions that are best for you and YOUR body!
I’m so glad that things worked out for you. Isn’t the internet a great tool!
Melissa R. Garrett says
That’s what frustrates me about obstetricians. Some can be so quick to suggest intervention when he could have recommended exactly what you did – get on all fours. Probably all the little bambina needed was a little extra room to turn. Then the doctor could have suggested you come back for another check. Glad you avoided the procedure. I’ve seen it done – not fun.
Jessica says
My son was breech and I had a c-section. He was also 10lb. 5 oz. so there really was no hope in getting him out without a c-section. I hope the little one stays put in the head down position.
Heather says
I, too, had the same problem… and when I researched on line, it said to put an ironing board propped up against your couch and lay upside down on it…
and that’s what I did… for HOURS…. and yes, my husband at the time thought I was nuts… but she turned around all by herself… 🙂
What we won’t do for our children!
Tiffanie says
All three of mine were c-sections. My first one because she was so big and they didn’t want to break her clavicle to get her out. The other two was because the hospital would not let me have VBACS. It was just there policy. BUt two were breach till about 35 weeks then they got to dancing and were in position. The other one was born at 34 weeks and was breach so they waited a few days and hoped he would turn. .He did!
I’m so glad your little one listens to her momma.
Lu says
Unfortunately, no amount of massage or convincing my child (Bubbie) to move out of the breech position was going to help. His cord was wrapped around his neck 2x so he spent the whole pregnancy with his head under my boobs and little feet dangling….. We found out that he wasn’t going to move around 39 weeks, scheduled the c-section, went home and my water broke, so we ended up having an “emergency c-section” to get Bubbie out of there! I am currently pregnant with no. 2 and this pregnancy is a complete placenta previa. If the placenta moves before my next visit, then we’ll keep with a planned vaginal delivery, otherwise, they’ll schedule a c-section. I didn’t want a c-section with this one, but I’ve now come to “terms” with the idea and am ready to do what I have to do! So glad your baby turned!!! 🙂
Kailani says
Wow! Your little girl sure is obedient! hee hee
As for me, no breeches or C-sections. My babies came so fast that the doctor didn’t have time to put on her gown!
Glad to hear that she’s in the correct position now!
Atasha says
Thank goodness. I read through your post so quickly wanting to read some good news. No breech babies or C-sections here. Both babies turned extremely early. I am glad that all is well and it will continue to be.
Take Care, mama
Summer says
Two weeks before my due date (wth my 3rd child) I had an ultrasound to determine her size. She was estimated at 9 1/2 pounds and was breech. The doctor scheduled a c-section, insisting that he would not attempt a version on babies as large as the ones I had delivered. He also would not allow me to delivery a baby that large, breech.
I sobbed after the appt., terrified of the section and then recovery, without any family around. Two days before the scheduled section and 10 days before my due date I actually felt her turn. It sent excruciating pain into my lower back and cervix area but I was sure she had turned. As they prepped me for my section 2 days later, they did a u/s and found she had turned. I was sent home and 6 days later gave birth vaginally to a healthy 10 pound 2 ounce baby girl!
Deb says
My second baby was breech for a while. I had the appointment set up for the external version and went in for it – they did a quick ultrasound first to check if she’d flipped on her own, and she had. What a relief – I also wanted to avoid a c-section! 🙂