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It is always good to have a laugh in the middle of a tackle…
I don’t have any “before pictures” for you for this tackle. We are going so crazy tackling all the corners of chaos in this house, that it is hard to remember to stop and take any pictures. We just move from one project to the next. And sometimes jump back and forth between projects – which was the case with this two part tackle.
So this weekend, in the middle of all another tackle, my mom decided that our foam play mats in the family room just had to go. She insisted that they were too dirt stained and that we needed new ones. While I agreed the years had taken there toll and even scrubbing and power washing couldn’t seem to restore them to their former glory, I didn’t want to shell out money for new ones. (This total house tackle is costing us a small fortune we do not have!)
But there is no arguing with my mom. That woman always wins. So off she went and bought new ones. It wasn’t until she got the new ones home that it dawned on us that we are complete idiots and we could just turn our old mats over and – ta da – new mats! (Yes, I know it seems obvious, but I had always used the smooth foam side of the play mats – not the side that had little ridges on it – and so for some dumb reason it never occurred to me to turn ours over. But when we got the new mats, we realized that both sides of the new ones were made with the little ridges. Only then did it occur to us that we should just turn our old mats over. Yes – I know we are not that smart! So now we have to return the new mats mom bought.)
So, after pulling up the mats and washing the floor, we put down our “new mats.” (My goodness do they look so much better! Sorry I don’t have a before picture.) Jackson worked hard to get them all in place and once the new floor was down and everything was moved back, the room looked remarkably better.
Jackson then went downstairs to play with his dad. Meanwhile I had begun tackling the disaster of DVD’s, videos and dust bunnies above the TV. I sorted, dusted and cleared out a bunch of DVD’s and videos that Jackson no longer uses and I was pleased… except for the dusty, sagging dried flower arrangement that had not faired well with age. It needed to go. My mom more than agreed so she grabbed some dried hydrangea and leaves that she had and got to work. (Sorry I didn’t take a before picture of the old arrangement.) Here is a shot of the work in progress:
But in the middle of her project – which was spewing dried leaves, flowers and dust all over our clean room and floor – Jackson came in the room.
Stunned, Jackson stopped and hollered, “TIME OUT!” Susan, Mom and I turned in shock as he continued, “Let’s get this straightened out… FIRST… these are dead!” and he pointed at his Grandma’s work of art.
We all just cracked up laughing. I literally was crying I was laughing so hard. I have heard many a grown man complain about dried flower arrangements, but to hear it from the honest perspective of a child was too much.
Yes, Jackson – they are dead. But they are still going in our family room.
Eventually mom finished the arrangement and we got the mess cleaned up. The arrangement got a bit bigger than mom intended, but with a tackle list as long as ours, this arrangement will have to do. We have no time to redo it. Plus – if we make a mess again on Jackson’s new floor, we will have to deal with him!
Trina says
Ah! It’s Working now! :0)
LOL…Jackson is way cute with his little “Time out!” :0)]
Now if I could just tackle “something” …I think there are just too many “somethings” so I just sat down overwhelmed and didn’t tackle anything! LOL
Trina says
Testing to see if I can post
Trina says
LOL…Jackson is way cute with his little “Time out!” :0)]
Now if I could just tackle “something” …I think there are just too many “somethings” so I just sat down overwhelmed and didn’t tackle anything! LOL
Jendi says
This is my first time. Thanks for the motivation. I enjoyed being a part and hope that I did everything OK.
Karen (Pediascribe) says
He is hysterical!!
My tackle is up! 🙂
Michelle says
Go Jackson!!! love it thanks for making me lol ;=)
those mats are awesome.will remember to turn them over…
Carrie says
Whee! I just made a goal I’ve had for months now, and it’s tackled once and for all.
eclecticeducation says
The arrangement looks very nice. I love your son’s comment! He sound’s like my little one. 🙂
Michelle says
my first two tackles! Cupboards and the kids bathroom. Wow! Thanks for the inspiration.
Deb says
Oh that’s too cute!
We have the same foam mats in our basement since the flooring is ceramic tile (not too safe for little ones and can you say, cold!) – ours are in poor shape too, but we can’t turn them over since they have been clawed and chewed by our cats and both sides are pretty much done for.
Mine’s up – Tuesdays are going to be busy for me now that school and activities are starting, and today in particular! 🙂
Sarah says
You are one smart lady and dusting flower arrangements is never easy. Good job.
Jenn says
Jackson is a real card I tell ya – I love the things he does! SOOO cute! Your arrangement sounds awesome and I cant wait to see all the finished rooms! 🙂
We are tackling a hodge podge of stuff today – including the ever fun first day of school!
Also if anyone has any idea’s for Zachary’s feet I could sure use them (it’s in the post below my tackle)
Oh and a kind prayer for my sister – she just had a baby (he’s 5 days old today) and nursing is not going so well – a prayer would be soo awesome!
Reese (The Know-Nothing Gourmet!) says
Enjoyed your post! Happy tackling!
ChupieandJsmama says
The flower arrangement looks great! Jackson’s comment is too funny 🙂 Have a fantastic week!!
Beckie says
I love it! TIME OUT!! Ummm… Do you think you’ve done too many tackles and your son is catching on?? Ha ha ha!
Jana (sidetrack'd) says
Jackson’s comment is so funny! I’m sure you were glad to have a little comic relief in the midst of all the tackles you guys are doing.
Cecile says
I tackled hanging new blinds in the kitchen. I love them!
Adena (cre82learn) says
I am tackling my kitchen today. Well, actually the food there. Today is being devoted to making up baby food to freeze.
Debi says
Okay, now I’m laughing so hard I may pee my pants! Thanks Jackson!
stacey says
too funny Jackson! i think the arrangement looks fabulous!
Misslionheart says
I’m sorting out books too. I’ll post later…
Have a great Tackling Tuesday!
zam says
You just gave me an idea. Really. I also rubber mats at home that look oh-so faded. And I’m not ready to new ones. So guess, I’ll turn them over next time [hope that’s soon. lol].
2boys2teach says
Great Tackle. The flower arrangement looks great. I tackled my handbag this week. Blessed Tuesday!