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How chaotic is your life?
I only have one child so far – but the chaos level in my life is already too high. I am more than concerned about how I will survive with a new baby added into the mix!
Tonight, in the midst of the noise, stress and dirty dishes, I jumped over to Faith Lifts to quickly read what Melody had posted today. And it was just what I needed to hear.
Not only did she comfort me, reminding me that I am not the only overwhelmed mom, but Melody’s insights provided me with the words and challenge to pray some peace into my life.
If you need some calm in your chaos, head over to ready Melody’s post at Faith Lifts, Be Still My Heart.
Proverbs 31 Woman Wannabe says
Thank you so much for posting this. I needed it too!
AnneMarieZ says
first.. think sling! seriously- you will be able to go and do while your wee one is sleeping away… all comforted by your movement 🙂
I have 3 and the love grows along with the chaos.. it’s all good 🙂 I love it! We think of each addition as a blessing for sure after being told we would have none.. following 9 surgeries for me..
one is fun for the one on one time
two you and your dh do man on man defense
more than 2 and it becomes what dh and I call “zone defense”
everyone pitches in 🙂 I think it’s called “family” 🙂
Lisa C says
It Really does get easier when you have more. I have found that with each new baby I had more help as the older ones grew up.
Thanks for the link, I will check out her blog!
Emily says
I think it is every expecting mother’s worry at some point whether it is their 1st or their 4th!
Where it takes a tiral and error period a bit to get into a routine you may feel overwhelmed but just picture the children growing up together
and it gets easier once your routine gets established
Laura says
Thanks for sharing this.
The truth is, as long as you seek His will, the Lord will give you the strength to get done what needs to be done.
Christelle says
I completely agree…I loved her message too!!! AND thank you for participating in my online BDAY party 🙂
melody is slurping life says
Amy said two are easier than one, but when you reach 3, then 4…they outnumber you. 🙂
Seriously, so glad it was a reminder you needed. I hope you are able to breathe deeply and calm the chaos. I know you and Susan have so much going on…but the peace is there…He is always there.
Ruth says
yes janice. i think most of us mamas will be relating.
just wanted to let you know i was thinking about you.
shalom my friend….
Amy says
I am not just saying this, I swear…
I find two to be easier than one.
I know, sounds crazy, doesn’t it? There was an adjustment period at first, which was a little harder, but once we found our groove? We do more now, we go places, we see things. My girls are just-turned-2 and 5 months (they’re 19 months apart), and it’s a blast. They are so cute together. I was afraid of how I’d handle two, too, and it’s fine. It’s great even. I’d have a dozen more if I could.
There are overwhelming moments, but on the whole, I like it much better.
casual friday everyday says
Oh, trust me you’re not alone. Every mom has chaos in their lives to a certain degree. And it does get crazier the more kids you have, but it also gets more fun, with more love, and a sweet bond with the little ones!