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If there is a tree, Jackson will try to climb it.
Thanks to Uisce for creating Wordless Wednesday. Check out the Official Wordless Wednesday HQ |
by Janice
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If there is a tree, Jackson will try to climb it.
Thanks to Uisce for creating Wordless Wednesday. Check out the Official Wordless Wednesday HQ |
Janice is co-founder of 5 Minutes For Mom. She's been working online since 2003 and is thankful her days are full of social media, writing and photography.
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mcewen says
I have one like that too!
Best wishes
Courtney says
Oh yes, that looks very familiar. lol My 6 yr old son has been to the ER only once, and it was after falling out of a tree. (he was fine, btw). Didn’t stop him from climbing trees though. Cute photo!
amygeekgrl (Crunchy Domestic Goddess) says
wow – that boy has skills and guts. 🙂
Charlotte says
Look at the excellent climber!
Sara says
I have such great memories of climbing trees. I hope we can find some for our kiddos to enjoy.
Holly Schwendiman says
I pray you don’t have broken bones in your future! What is it about boys and climbing???
mamacita tina says
I’ve just lost my WW virginity! Awesome!
Love that picture. Action shots are the best!
Tara (Destiny Driven) says
Oh my goodness! And people ask me how I do it with FIVE GIRLS! Having a boy who is THAT brave would scare me to death!!!! But you DO have to admire his curiosity!!!
Kristen says
That is such a great picture of a little monkey! 😉
I wanted to tell you thank you so much for directing people my way to pray for my little ones. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you two and I’m happy you found me again. I will try to keep the situation updated as often as I can.
Much love,
Carey says
He up awfully high. Boys sure do love to climb dont they?
Mommy Community says
Cool picture – my kids love to climb trees too! To bad we do not have many around us that they can climb.
Lisa C says
That look like fun and scary at the same time. But if you love adventure it’s a breeze.
Happy WW!!
Diana says
Wow!! He’s brave!
Donna says
We are preparing to move (but don’t know exactly where yet) and we are hoping for big, old trees for the grandkids to climb! =)
Laura says
This reminds me of when I was a kid. I used to love to climb trees.
donetta says
Thank you for hosting.
Your boy looks so free. I remember being in a tree and being on top of the world.
michelle says
My heart still does little flops when I see my 10 year old climb a tree! (And little man is not to far behind his big brother!)
Lynnae (From Under the Clutter) says
That is a great shot! I can’t believe how high he climbed!
Mama Duck says
Wow, see what I have to look forward to, eh? So cute, great shot!
mom2HandH says
Is that a squirrel he’s following? He sure is high!
Wendy says
He really is “Action” Jackson, isn’t he!
My husband STILL loves to climb trees! I don’t think they ever get too old for it!
Ali says
Kids sure love to climb trees! I am sure mine would if we had one big enough.
dawn says
Fearless is the word that came to mind! Great shot.
Angela at mommy bytes says
Awesome climber! Must make you proud and anxious all at the same time.
Proverbs 31 Woman Wannabe says
Awwww, boys will be boys, I know, I have 5 of them LOL.
Amanda says
I hope I did this right. This is my first time participating.
Char says
My daughter would be right there with him! Go Jackson!
Deb says
Looks like he got pretty high up there! Great photo and Happy WW! 🙂
Melissa says
Whoa…brave boy you have there! Happy WW. I posted a beach pix in honor of my summer vacation officially ending on Friday when I have to go back to school.
Gliding through motherhood says
Makes me want to climb a tree! Well, not really. 😉 But it looks like it’d be fun if I was kid 🙂
Carol says
Cool shot! 🙂 Happy WW! My girl’s got her “game face” on today on my blog.
Colleen says
Great shot! How high is that tree???
I love the light through the leaves.
carol says
Great shot!
My pic is of my boy in the water. He’s not a tree-climber but if there is water he (and his brothers) will be in it! LOL!
Heather says
WE used to do that, though never that high. Now my kids enjoy the same climbing trees we had.
IT look like he is working hard at it. 🙂
Mama Lily says
My kids LOVE to climb trees. Not just the boys either. I did that as a child and just loved it. Happy WW
SingForHim says
This is what I miss with three prissy girls!
Mama Grizzly says
Catch me if you CAN!
Jodi says
Great picture! My son loves to climb treea too!
Dawn says
That’s just too scary for me! LOL
Happy WW!
Adventures In Babywearing says
Wow- with three boys I have a feeling there is a lot of tree climbing in my future!
bing says
My youngest loves to climb too…
Nice pic!
Laura Lohr says
That is an awesome shot! Boys will be boys 🙂 I love the name Jackson!
Susanna says
Amazing picture! How great to see a child being active and enjoying the outdoors!:)
Melissa O says
Great photo, love the sun coming through : )
My first Wordless Wednesday is up
ruth says
Great photo but I know I’d be holding my breath worrying if he would fall. But boys will be boys:o)
Happy WW
crickl's nest says
Very nice picture! Cool perspective and wow, he looks like he’s up high!
Casual Friday Everyday says
nevermind, i see where you said it was jackson! what a dare devil!
tanyetta says
wow! 🙂
kailani says
I don’t think I could handle having boys. They would surely give me an anxiety attack! LOL!
Amanda says
My baby loves her snuggly soft blanket and can’t sleep without it.
Karen says
WHoa…he looks like he’s really high! I remember the days. 🙂
jen says
sounds like Daniel only he hasny discovered climbing trees yet but he likes climbing
Liza's Eyeview says
It’s great that he’s got tress to climb 🙂
Monkey Giggles says
yup…that’s what they do…CLIMB. EVERYTHING.
Michelle in MX says
Yeah, my kids too.
But I like it that way.
Have a happy WW!
Amy says
How freaked out are you that he’s doing that? Ha ha! I miss the days of climbing trees…
melody is slurping life says
Janice, he is a boy…he HAS to climb trees. 🙂
Love this shot!
Carrie says
I don’t think my heart would start beating again until his feet were on the ground!
La Bellina Mammina says
boys and trees! LOL! Cute!
Casual Friday Everyday says
Janice, is that Jackson?! Wowee! And I thought my tree climbing picture last week was daring. LOL
Alexis says
Too cute 🙂
Candi says
Wow…that is a great shot!!