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Jackson on the beach at camp. |
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Thanks to Uisce for creating Wordless Wednesday. Check out the Official Wordless Wednesday HQ |
tricia says
Beautiful pic love the angle
Ana says
What a peaceful, tranquil place. I’m sure your son is having a blast! Visit my blog for WW if you get chance. Thanks!
devildogwife says
It looks so relaxing!
Amanda says
oh he is so cute
Qtpies7 says
That looks so refreshing and fun!
@nnaliza of ventanawhos candid says
that’s a G R E A T photo!!
Angela Giles Klocke says
I’m sure he felt at peace there…
Toni says
Little Jackson is definitely growing up! Happy WW!
Thea says
Oh my gosh, where can I find THAT camp? What a beautiful setting!
Laura says
What a summery picture!
Heather says
Can’t decide if he is longing to go out or feeling timid about all that water. Great shot.
allhisblessings says
A very peaceful scene!
Your Friendly Webmama says
Awesome picture – he looks like he is enjoying the view.
Jana (sidetrack'd) says
What a pretty picture!
Heidi says
What a sweet, sweet picture – I want to go there, it looks so relaxing.
Courtney says
What a beautiful picture! Very lovely. And I’m sure lots of fun too 🙂
bee says
Great picture!
halfmoon girl says
Looks like a wonderful spot!
Barbara H. says
What lovely scenery! I am sure you all had a wonderful time!
My WW this week is about “simple pleasures.”
My Quotidian Mysteries (Laura) says
I’m reminiscing today about life a little over a year ago. Can’t believe how much has changed!
heather says
What a great shot!
Jae says
What a pretty, serene picture!!
Happy WW to you and yours! Sorry I’ve been so sporadic with participating lately!
Angela at mommy bytes says
Awesome shot! I have lake pictures for WW as well.
mom2HandH says
Looks like great fun!
oh amanda says
How great! I love anything camp-y!
april says
Is he contemplating on how to get out to that jumpy thing? :o)
Carol says
What a sweet photo! I love the yellow that draws your eye to him first.
Candi says
Wow….that is an awesome picture!!
Debi says
Awww…another gorgeous shot! So serene.
Shana says
I have a water pic up too. Happy WW!!!
Twisted Cinderella says
What a wonderful pic! Happy WW!
mama k says
Great shot! Looks like fun to me.
Happy WW!
Melanie says
He seems to be so still and peaceful. I wonder what he was thinking about.
Deb says
What a beautiful beach – I wanna go! 🙂
relevantgirl says
I want to be there!
Adventures In Babywearing says
That is a gorgeous photo!!
Lisa - The Scrap Princess says
What a beautiful place – looks like so much fun!
Homemom3 says
oh I wish I was there. I remember being a kid and sitting on a tube with a boat powered in front. Lots of fun. Water looks refreshing.
Carey says
Looks like hes enjoying the view. Happy WW.
Dawn says
Oh, I wanna be there!
Mary says
Beautiful and so peaceful looking!
Kerry says
What a beautiful picture!
Debs says
Beautiful photo.
I finally remembered that today is Wednesday, and I can post a wordless wednesday picture!
Jenn says
Beautiful shot! Looks like a framed art photo!
kailani says
He looks kind of sad all by himself.
Christine (aka YoungMommy) says
Wonderful picture… Neat how that one moment of stillness was captured so perfectly!
Blessed Nest says
Happy ww…wonderful picture
Donna says
looks fun. I want to do that!Happy ww
jen says
great shot
Lynnae (From Under the Clutter) says
How fun! I’ll bet he had a great time!
julie says
Very peaceful and relaxing.
Happy WW.
Irene says
What a sportsman! Happy WW.
melody is slurping life says
I wanna go to camp! It’s a lovely place. Well, mine’s up and I need one of what I posted. 🙂
Susanna says
What a gorgeous camp location!
Bridget says
he looks so peaceful!! Happy WW.
Nell says
awwwww what a big boy! Gosh, looks so peaceful, beautiful, and down right fun! Adorable boy you have there…you must be proud.
MorningSong says
Camp is great – especially if there is a beach near by!
Happy WW