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Watching the Vancouver 2010 Paralympics was an incredible experience. I was thrilled that my son Jackson got the chance to see such inspiring athletes.
Thanks to Uisce for creating Wordless Wednesday.
Written by Janice, co-founder of 5 Minutes for Mom
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Heather says
Very cool! I admire those athletes.
I couldn’t get McLinky to work! 🙁 Here’s my link:
Will F says
I used to play hockey and I can’t tell you how much I admire the strength and attitude of these guys!!
Deborah says
You really have to admire these guys determination and abilities!
Alicia says
What an awesome thing to experience first hand. Thanks for sharing and providing the linky 🙂
Lori says
Very Cool! My kiddos enjoyed watching them too.
Charla says
Awesome picture from an awesome experience!
Adrienne says
WOW! That’s a serious athlete there!
Katie says
Wow, that’s intense!
Caroline says
Darcel says
Very interesting sport.
Cascia says
Wow! That must have been an experience. Have a wonderful Wednesday!
The Drama Mama says
Those are always the most amazing athletes. Thanks so much for sharing.
Rona says
What a great inspiration. And a reminder for me to quit feel sorry for myself. Learn to live with one’s limitations.
Jo says
That is so awesome and inspiring.. just imagine saying ‘I can’t’ when you can see something like this.
Amy says
That absolutely is inspiring!
shelly says
Wow, those are some very tough athletes! How cool that you got to share that experience with your son.
Tina says
i have never saw this before. its great that those guys can still be active in this way. go paraolympics!
happy ww
Tina from
Mummy Diaries
Gossip Avenue
Travel Shack
Game FreakZ
Owen's Mom says
Wow! I couldn’t play hockey with two legs, let alone one. Amazing. I would love to take me kids to watch.
Kim says
What a wonderful pictures and I’m so glad he got to see it! How inspiring.
The Misplaced Midwesterner
Mimi says
Wish there was as much coverage for these Olympics as there was for the other Olympics last month. These athletes are so inspiring! So glad you got to share the moment with your son!
I will visit WW participants slowly but surely. Using a different…OLD…computer and it’s not working so hot.
Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Lou says
I’m constantly amazed by what people can push themselves to do, despite what we’d consider “setbacks”. How inspiring!
I’d love for you to stop by again and link your Wordless Wednesday post up on my linky. My post is up and let’s just say that The Monkey Needs a Drink!
Kristi, Live and Love…Out Loud
Naomi says
That is pretty hardcore!
DogsMom says
That is inspiring and looks so much harder than regular hockey!
dysfunctional mom says
Awesome, I’d love for my kids to see that!
Susie's Homemade says
That is an incredible opportunity that you seized!!
Serendipity is Sweet says
What an awesome experience. Very cool!
Stacy (the Random Cool Chick) says
Definitely inspirational – and what a great shot! 🙂
Melanie says
Very inspiring. Great shot!
pamela ponder says
that is awesome and very inspiring, great shot…
Amy says
Awesome! I would love to get my son to the Olympics at some point in his life. What an experience that must be. 🙂 Happy Wed!
Zoey says
I prefer the paralympics to the regular olympics. It’s so impressive and amazing and moving.
The Gang's All Here! says
I’m in Kitchen Project Limbo today – all my appliances are getting a change of scenery and my kitchen feels HUGE!
But we’re primed and ready to go – whenever the flooring guys get here!
Mellisa says
So inspiring to see! Thanks so much for sharing – it’s amazing what people are capable of when they put their mind and hearts to it!
Julie says
That’s really cool!
Alison says
Wow. Truly something you will never forget, getting to see it live! 😀
Heather says
That is really cool! I’m always amazed by these athletes.
Stephanie says
That is just way cool!!
Christine says
What a great shot and such an amazing experience for all of you!
Jacqueline says
I think it would be so neat to watch it in person! How cool that you had the opportunity to see it live and in action! 🙂
Rose says
I can only gain interest in a couple of sports, however WinterWitch swears I should take up watching hockey, she swears by it.
Deb - Mom of 3 Girls says
Wow, what a truly inspiring photo – it must have been an amazing experience to see in person!
Nicole says
No excuses! In our weakness He makes us strong!
TheAngelForever says
What an amazing experience to have been able to get to. Thank you for sharing with us.
Marilyn says
I wish I had thought to try and buy tickets to the Paralympics. It looks really cool.
Mel says
Wow, what a wonderful experience! I’d say you are lucky indeed!
Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom says
What an inspirational thing for us all – I am sure your son was in awe!
Lolli says
How wonderful that you guys could see that live! Inspiring!
Jenny says
That is really amazing!
Jen Hinton says
Yes, very encouraging for a little one to see. Amazing opportunity!
Jennifer says
That is a wonderful thing to share with your son. Extraordinary people do extraordinary things!
Muthering Heights says
Woah…I have never heard of that before!
MommyNamedApril says
what fun! we don’t have much ice hockey here in florida 🙂
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
My first Wordless Wednesday! I knew it was time when I saw what happened to my bread today while I was gone for a few hours. Sad!
Jennifer says
I wish these games were shown on television as are the Olympics. I get even more inspired by these athletes and I would love for my children to see them compete as well. That was a great opportunity you got to share w/Jackson.
Gabriel says
Fantastic shot!
Michelle says
Awesome picture Janice!! It was so exciting to meet some paralympian curlers when they were in town praticing. Of course McKenna’s favorite memory the chocolate from the Swiss team!!!
Stacey says
Amazing what people can accomplish. Inspiring, really!
Jennifer says
Brilliant photograph!
Stefany says
Wow, that is truly amazing.
Louise says
That does look like an amazing sport.