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I am sick of throwing away melons…
I actually avoid buying melons, cause they often end up going uneaten in the back of my fridge. Finally a few weeks later, I dig out the shriveled, rotten thing and throw it in the trash. So I am borrowing my Mom’s tip for this week and I am going to adopt it as a new policy. (I have done it before, but I am going to make it a law now.) Right after purchasing the melon, (cantaloupe, watermelon, etc,) I will wash and slice into bits size pieces. Then I will put them into a Tupperware in the fridge to be devoured as easy, bite size snacks. Oh – and very important – make sure you wash those melons before you cut them! Now don’t quote me on this, but I have heard rumor’s that ecoli has spread to the edible part of the melon as the knife slices through. Now whether or not I can prove that, logic still tells me to wash that melon before I cut it up (same with oranges etc.) There you have it – it works for her and it is going to work for me now too. |
Technorati Tags: works for me wednesday |
Cmommy says
Janice, thanks for commenting on my wfmw post!
Yes, the “cut-up” melon lasts wwwaaayyy longer than the intact melon. I MUST remember this fact!!!
Gina says
This has always been my policy (my mom taught me too), but laziness or non-cravings tend to put my rotten fruit in the trash after all. I just bought a honeydew tonight… so I am going to take your advice and cut it up right now (um, first thing in the morning, no, right when I get home from work). 😉
Thanks for the washing tip…
Mom2fur says
E-Coli in fruit? Really? Oh, dear.
This is how I do a cantaloupe. Cut off the top and bottom. Now you have a nice, flat part to sit it on so it doesn’t roll around. Start at the top and carve away pieces of the rind. When they are gone, cut the piece in half and scoop out the seeds. All that’s left is melon for you to slice or cube. And if it still gets a little mushy–make smoothies!
Sue says
I love this tip and actually did this myself this AM. I love every type of melons in the summer.
My WFMW is up 🙂
Rabbit says
I do this with melons as well. If some juice builds up in the bottom of the bowl, pour it off and stir the chunks, otherwise the bottom layer gets mushy from sitting in the pooled juice. A great way to keep a very healthy snack readily available!
s says
This is a great tip, I need to do it with watermelon too….just this week I threw one out because of forgetting about it….great tip 🙂
Nettie says
That is a great idea. It probably is a good one to do with much of the produce one buys. If only I wasn’t so tired and lazy feeling right after shopping!
Katherine says
I always wash watermelon but I’ve never washed canteloupe–guess I better figure out how to get the rind clean, with a brush maybe? Thanks for the “policy.” Love summer, don’t you?
Rebecca says
I have the same problem with mushy moldy melons – I am definitely going to do that from now on!
Amy says
Great idea! I did not know about the e-coli factor…ewwww! Thanks for the heads up! My poor children’s tummies must be swimming with bacteria….:)
Carol says
Oh, good tip! I like that. Do you think putting snack-size portions in little zip-locks would help prevent “left-it-out-agin-itis”?
Barb Szyszkiewicz, sfo says
Good reminder! I have way too much produce that goes bad because I don’t deal with it right away. I shouldn’t buy it if I can’t process it THAT DAY. Period.
Bev says
Great simple tip. Im off to the grocery store today and will do just that. Thanks! Thanks for visiting my blogspot too – nice to hear from you 🙂
Becky says
That is a good idea and occasionally I remember to do it. I will definitely wash the outside next time! You never know!