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The caps were made of construction paper, the stage was a dull carpet in a church basement, but this ceremony was sparkling with toothy grins and glowing faces. The kids had fun and we parents captured it all on camera.
Here are a few shots:
To protect the other children’s identities, I blurred out the faces in this shot. Ironically the only face blocked by a cap was Jackson’s! But I still loved how high Jackson tossed his cap – so I included the shot nonetheless.
To celebrate this evening we gave Jackson the choice of ANY celebration dinner – any restaurant, including going to the beach for fish and chips, whatever he wanted – and can you believe he chose SUBWAY!!!!! But he was adamant and I did promise that it was his night. So we picked up Subway and had a picnic in our yard! (Yesterday we were out shopping for his clothes and I gave Jackson the choice of a graduation present – he chose Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle figures!) LOL What can I say – Grad party five year old style. 🙂
I better enjoy it now — I am sure he will up the prizes for his high school grad…
allhisblessings says
Adorable! Congratulations
oh amanda says
How sweet and funny! What a little cutie pie!
The Wooden Porch says
That is so sweet!
Debi says
Oh m goodness, but isn’t he the cutest! I love that big smile! My littlest guy graduated preschool yesterday, too, but I’m not sure I saw one real smile on his face the whole time. Your celebrations sound so much like ours. Kids’ choice dinner is a family tradition (though we had to postpone it to tonight due to oldest’s soccer game). Hope Jackson enjoyed his Subway! And I hope you all enjoy your summer!!!
Blend says
Congratulations to your son! I know how proud you are to your kid, my son just graduated too and the feeling is great!
April Cogburn says
What a cute graduation! I was just wondering if yall ever announced the winners of the CVS/Pharmacy + Playskool gift baskets? Did I just happen to have missed that announcement? Just wondering….
:: Suzanne :: says
CUTE! Our little man just graduated too. So sweet in his tie and mortar board.
Christina says
Awwww how cute! Congrats to the little grad! 🙂
Adventures In Babywearing says
Yay! And we do Subway for our picnics, too!
Jenn Kohl says
Thats so Awesome! Congrats Jackson!
Ashley-Closely Spaced Pregnancies says
Congrats to Jackson 🙂
Sounds like you all had a great night. I can’t wait until my children are that age so we can do fun stuff like that.
bee says
Congrats Jackson!
Amanda says
The graduation party is a lovely idea! Whyever would this be ludicrous? It’s such an important step in a child’s life to graduate from one school and start another. In a couple of weeks, my son finishes schooling at his Junior school and begins at comprehensive. It would be a great idea for his class to have such a graduation ceremony; instead we’ve had to opt for an end-of-year play. Which of course will be wonderful and teary for all us parents waving goodbye to childhood (and hello troublesome teens!).
Congratulations to your son on his graduation! And also to yourself for having brought up such a wonderful boy!
Lissete says
Waaay bigger prizes for H.S. Grad! Great pictures! But Subway’s over Fish & Chips??? Go figure!
Jodi says
Great pictures!! And I can atest to the fact they do indeed up the “prize” for high school graduation!!
I hope he had fun!!
Twisted Cinderella says
The caps are adorable! Sounds like the perfect five year old day!
Carey says
What great pictures.
Lu says
How sweet!
veronica says
Can you beat an event that involves construction paper hats?