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Tackling with Jackson
This weekend I helped Jackson tackle.
Not only did he need a card for Father’s Day, but he needed to make end of the year scrap pages for the class scrap books (gifts for Jackson’s preschool teachers.)
For me, it was a tackle to venture down to my scrap desk and get out the supplies we needed, let alone accomplish the tackle! You see, before blogging took over my life, I was an avid scrapbooker. I miss it terribly – but right now my scrap area is abandoned (and quite messy!)
We had to break the tackle into three sittings to keep Jackson’s focus in tact as he had to print quite a few words on each project. (Why is it that children squirm and make such things take fifty times longer than they need to?!?) But we got all three done eventually! (Talk about simple scrapping – we kept it all very basic. Jackson doesn’t like to spend too much time on these things and I didn’t want to have it be me sitting there for an hour by myself making his projects!)
It sure was fun to do these projects together – even if getting my son to print is harder than getting a puppy to sit still! Jackson loved the coloring part of course – and he was so fond of one of the pictures he drew (the backs of the pages for the teachers had his artwork), he decided he couldn’t part with it and had to draw a new one for the project!
And yes – that is blue ink on the white tablecloth!! For some ridiculous reason, I had Jackson working on the dining room table that had a white tablecloth on it. And even more ludicrous is the fact that I didn’t even have him working on a place mat or anything to protect the tablecloth. Not a very smart move on my part! So I guess next I will be tackling trying to remove permanent ink from a white tablecloth. Any tips?
What is your tackle this week? Link up and show off…
Join Us For Tackle It Tuesday
We’re making housework blog-able!
Each week on Tuesday, we are posting before and after pictures of a project or trouble area that we tackled this week.
Find out more about Tackle It Tuesday here.
The project can be little or big – whatever you want. Basically, Tackle It Tuesday is about giving ourselves incentive, deadlines and satisfaction in getting our household tasks done.
Janne says
My tackles started *last* Tuesday, and still aren’t completely finished. I DID get my closet and van finished though, and blogged about the PERFECT product for scrapbooking supplies here . I used it for my sewing supplies and van.
Crystal says
I wasn’t going to tackle today because i feel very sick but I got frustrated with a messy cupboard so I did a tackle anyway, lol.
tanyetta says
he is so perfect 🙂
SarahJane says
Cute card! Thanks for hosting, I’ve been wanting to do it for a while but just haven’t had a chance! It feels so good to have a big project out of the way! Whenever I can turn a chore into a blog post, life seems much less drear! 🙂
Kilikina says
I just can’t do TT right now, but I’m looking forward to jumping on board.
Heather says
Thanks for hosting Tackle it Tuesday. It’s so catchy. I’ve been out of it for a couple weeks although each Tuesday I set out to do my tackle and as I said in my post, my Tuesdays have been tackling me!
Good job on your tackle.
Janice (5 Minutes for Mom) says
Thanks for the tips on cleaning the tablecloth ladies!
And yes Ginny – you are right! I DO need to get back to doing some pages!
Ginny says
That is wonderful that he is doing a scrapbook. I’m an avid scrapbooker, you gotta get back into doing some pages! Even 1 a month, maybe a review of the month. You will be so happy that you did it!!!
Jennifer D says
Very fun tackle and great job! He’s such a cutie!
I was going to suggest hairspray too. Also, maybe Oxyclean – it gets all sorts of things out. For tough spots, I make a paste and rub it on the spot and let it sit for a day or so. I’ve only had a couple things that it didn’t work on. Good luck!
Twisted Cinderella says
What a great tackle! Looks like a fun time!
Karen says
Hairspray works with ballpoint ink…not sure about permanent…tell Jackson great job!
Jenn says
What a great job you BOTH did – the pages look awesome! 🙂
devildogwife says
Great job, Jackson!! That’s a fun tackle this week. 🙂
Jodi says
He did a good job!!
jen says
well done Jackson and Janice
Im sure his Dad loved his card