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Spring is here in Vancouver and my favorite signs of the season are the cherry blossoms.
Thanks to Uisce for creating Wordless Wednesday.
Written by Janice, co-founder of 5 Minutes for Mom
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Lorie Shewbridge says
Those are so beautiful! What a terific picture. It’s finally starting to look like spring everywhere.
Deborah says
So pretty!
Muthering Heights says
They are JUST gorgeous!!!
Susie's Homemade says
Rachel (A Southern Fairytale) says
THAT is gorgeous!!! Wow.
I get the biggest thrill driving around now and seeing all the bluebonnets and snow drops in bloom! YAY
Tired Mom Tésa says
So pretty! Cherry blossoms are a beautiful sign of Spring.
Karen MEG says
Gorgeous – I love signs of spring… cannot wait for it!
Jen E says
What a stunningly beautiful picture!
Kim says
LOVE, love , love the cherry blossoms! I really need to grab my camera and start to capture some spring that is happening around here.
I’m late but finally up!
The Misplaced Midwesterner
Katie says
I love the change from Winter to Spring. It’s just beautiful and so full of life. I just wish I could see it but these darn allergies are making my eyes watery!
Sammy says
Great picture, I just love spring time and am so glad it’s finally starting to appear!
mindy says
Still a few weeks before the cherry blossoms bloom around here ( DC area ) but always a welcome sign of Spring, for sure! Your photo is lovely!
Amy says
Gorgeous shot! Bring on spring!
Deb - Mom of 3 Girls says
Oh so beautiful – and what a lovely photo of them too! I can’t wait to start to see the flowers and trees blooming around here. Soon, hopefully! 🙂
MommyNamedApril says
oh, what a great shot!!!
Erin says
love the cell phone cover is cherry blossoms
Mommy Bear says
Gorgeous picture! I love cherry blossoms.
SoCoMom4James says
I love the picture — it tells me Spring is here. Ours just finished blossoming and their scent was incredible.
Did your site get a new look? I like it!
Cascia says
The cherry blossoms are beautiful! I love spring.
Mama Zen says
Tammy says
What a beautiful picture.
Kristina at Me and My Momma's Money says
Ahhh…. new life!
Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud says
What a beautiful photo! I love cherry blossoms! They make me smile. 🙂
Thanks so much for stopping by and linking your Wordless Wednesday post up on my linky last week. Come back again anytime!
Kristi, Live and Love…Out Loud
PS I loooooove the new layout!
Jenny says
The IE Mommy says
Beautiful. We have a Cherry Festival every year…looking forward to it!
Melanie says
How pretty!! I love cherry blossoms. Welcome spring!
Sandy (Your Life, Organized) says
I love Cherry Blossoms! I have terrible hay fever when they are blooming, it is hard to see past the runny eyes and nose!
Thank you for the beautiful picture!
Marie says
Gorgeous shot. It’s so good to take time to notice the beauty around us.
Brandy says
Beautiful!!! I can’t wait for Spring in NH, warm days here I come!!! Happy WW!
pamela ponder says
I love spring and those are beautiful its a sign spring is coming!!!
check out my wedding cake
Jo Shabo says
Perfect picture!! I did Daffodils this week- my fave flower 🙂
Janelle says
Those are so pretty!
Jodi says
Lovely! I <3 Spring!!!
Stacey says
I cannot wait for some flowers to bloom around us!
Allison says
What a beautiful photo. Welcome Spring!
Katie says
One of the very few things I miss about apartment life in CA is the beautiful cherry blossom tree we had just outside our kitchen window. Lovely blooms you’ve got to enjoy.
prasti says
i love cherry blossoms! that is actually going to be my next tattoo :). i miss seeing them since we moved to the midwest from seattle.
Karie says
Love love love the Cherry blossoms. We only have pear blossoms here…too warm for the cherry trees. Sigh….enjoy, so beautiful!
Brandi says
Love Cherry Blossoms. They just fill the air with an amazing scent. Mix that with a little Dogwood and you have a heady fragrance!
Sky says
Lovely! I woke up to snow this morning…and I’m so looking forward to Spring!
Lolli says
What a gorgeous picture! I can’t wait til we have blossoms around here! I’m just glad that most of the snow has melted. 🙂
Kimmber says
So vibrant. Feels like you could reach out and touch it.
Heather says
I used to live in Japan, and I sooo miss the cherry blossoms. Thanks for the picture!
Real Life Sarah says
I’m so jealous! Seems like spring will never come here!! Lovely picture, and I LOVE the new design!
shelly says
We also have beautiful cherry blossoms down in DC. So pretty! Hate my allergies though.
A. B. England says
Gorgeous. Makes me want a cherry tree for the front lawn.
Serendipity is Sweet says
They are gorgeous! Great shot. I can’t wait until things are blooming here.
Your blog looks fabulous ,by the way 🙂
Stacy (the Random Cool Chick) says
I love cherry blossoms! I can’t wait until it gets warm enough (and stays warm enough) for things to start blooming out here! (and melt the rest of the snow…) 🙂
Shannon says
That flower is beautiful! We’re not seeing those signs of spring here in the NE juuuusst yet…but I CAN’T WAIT!!! 🙂
mizhelle says
lovely! and im loving the new LO!
pam says
i have been doing wordless wednesday for months and never knew where to link up at, so glad i found you
Jingle says
Oh, they are so gorgeous!
Cortney says
One of my very favorite things – Cherry Blossoms. We don’t have them where I live, but DC does! I love visiting there in the Spring. Cherry Blossoms – spring! Bring on the Spring!
Auntie E says
Lovely view, Can wait for Ours. Two more weeks here.
The Gang's Momma says
Sigh. This picture makes me miss my weeping cherry trees and my flowering crabapples. And it makes me soooo anxious to see my lilacs come alive!
I have a little pink flower of a different sort on my WW – come by and see!
Hip Mom's Guide says
Oh, I miss the cherry blossoms in DC. I still love to visit & see them in their glory! These are beautiful!
TheAngelForever says
Absolutely gorgeous photo of Mother Nature in her glory. Now just wish we would see some signs of Spring here.
Beth says
Beautiful picture! Spring is in the air!
Erin Pyle ( says
Absolutely gorgeous! Is it spring yet!?!?!?
Shan says
So pretty. What kind of camera do you use? You pictures are always so beautiful.
Shannon (The Mommy-Files) says
That’s such a pretty picture!
♥ Happy Wednesday! ♥
Christine says
Spring has sprung! Beautiful capture 🙂 Happy WW!
Jo says
What a BEAUTIFUL shot – I absolutely love ours. They’re all in bloom!
Erica says
Oh cherry blossoms are my favorite. So jealous! I need to come visit you guys one of these days.
Heather says
The cherry blossoms are so beautiful!
noelle d says
beautiful picture
Lisa says
Gorgeous picture – Spring is so pretty!! And I am really loving the new design here – so light and refreshing!
Leslie says
Love taking pics of all the signs of Spring… especially blossoms!
Stunning! 🙂
Melissa says
So beautiful! Spring is right around the corner…
Annie says
Oh yay for spring!! I can’t wait to see our Redbuds blooming, those are my favorite 🙂
BTW I know I haven’t been by lately but i am in LOVE with your new look! So pretty and cheery!
Will says
Beautiful! We had some warm weather in our orchards last week and our blossoms are out. This morning was 23 degrees! So I think some of the future fruit may be in danger.
Happy WW!
FutureMama says
Wow!! BEAUTIFUL photo! I love cherry blossoms! Happy WW!
Ann Marie says
Flowering Cherry trees are my favorite landscape tree! (Especially the weeping ones)
What a lovely picture you captured Janice! Fresh morning sun is the best for pictures!
Thanks for hosting! 🙂
Simply Cathi says
Your cherry blossoms look a lot like the plum blossoms in my backyard. Isn’t spring a lovely time of year?
Tarasview says
oh how I miss those pink trees! Seeing those lovely Cherry Blossoms just makes my heart ache for “home”. Beautiful.
Mariana says
Beautiful! I can’t wait for the cherry blossoms to bloom in DC in just a few short weeks…
homemom3 says
This is such a pretty flower and when you finally see these blooming you know Spring is here. I just wish we had them here. 🙁 Happy WW!
Christy says
That is a lovely picture! Can’t wait for spring!
Louise says
They are beautiful this time of year
Jennifer says
I can’t wait for spring! It can’t come fast enough!
Mrs. Marine says
Oooo Pretty!!
Melissa says
I am loving the look of spring around here! The flowers and wow! your new look! Love it!
Staci A says
So beautiful! I can’t wait for spring to arrive!
Michelle says
Isn’t it lovely to see the blossoms already ?Beautiful Capture Janice.
Genny says
Beautiful photo! And I love, love, love the new look over here!
Jennifer says
Absolutely beautiful.
Kat says
That is BEAUTIFUL 🙂 I’ve always LOVED nature shots, especially flowers! SPRING is in the air!!!!! Whoo hoo!
Julie From Inmates says
Beautiful picture! I am so ready for Spring. =)
through jenny's lens says
oh my word! the cherry blossoms are gorgeous on their own…but then the pink next to the blue? Beautiful.