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Getting My Son Organized…
Well, trying to get my eight year old son, who happens to have ADHD, organized is an ongoing challenge. But today, I decided to tackle a few specific areas.
First, I wanted to organize Jackson’s homework work space.
Jackson does his homework either at his desk in his room or in the kitchen. When he is in the kitchen, he always seems to be hunting down a sharpened pencil, paper, eraser, etc. (As the year progresses, the school supplies we had organized in September have gotten a bit scattered.)
So, I wanted to get his basic supplies in a larger container that can move to wherever he is doing his homework. And yes – you are seeing correctly. Jackson has two pencil sharpeners in there! I bought him a battery powered one today to speed up things, but he insisted on putting his old sharpener and his new one in his new case!
Second, I wanted to organize his school papers. Up until now, I put his homework papers in this clear container. I still do love these containers for misc older papers. But for current and recent work, it just gets too messy and disorganized.
So, I got a binder with tabs and a three whole punch just for him! Now, he can sort through his papers, put them in the correct section and have an easier time getting to his work.
Third, I wanted to help Jackson stay on schedule in the morning and on task with his daily chores and responsibilities.
Jackson does better if I provide ways for him to self regulate, so checkpoints and lists work well with him.
Up until now, Jackson had been on this schedule and had these responsibilities, but I hadn’t written them out for him to see daily.
While we used checkpoints in the mornings and had house rules, I just hadn’t written them out in ink for him – which was plain procrastination on my part. I always meant to, but just never got around to it!
So there you go… “That was EASY!”
Cathy Tibbles says
Oh, Janice – I didn’t know your son had ADHD. My daughter (9 yo) has ADD without the hyperactivity, and sometimes I feel like nobody understands what it is like to remind a girl to get dressed at least a dozen times every morning… Sigh. We’ve tried checklists too, but she thought it was too baby-ish. I can’ t wait to show her your son(it doesn’t hurt that he’s so cute too!) with his checklist. Perhaps she’ll find it more ‘cool’ if we use a whiteboard… You’ve got the ideas circulating (again). The trick for us, is really keeping up with the checklist.
Thanks so much for posting this! And I’m SO pleased that your son doesn’t mind being front and center on camera with his list!!
Tired Mom Tésa says
I like the checklist too, it’s always a sense of accomplishment to check or cross things off.
Love the shot of the Easy button at the end. Funny!
kd says
Here’s an organizational tip for an ADD child, which mine was! How i wish we had learned this one before mine was in high school!!! Make everything colored-coded. Each subject a different color notebook, pencils, folders, book cover, etc. You would not believe how this simplifies life for someone who has organizational issues!
Kristina says
I’m so glad you got all that accomplished! You must feel so much better having gotten it done! I love the Easy Button…I’ve just got to get one of those.
BarbaraLee says
My boy is 13 and we went through his school work too. Set some goals to finish the school yr.
hair bow girl says
We’ve been sticking with a standard routine in the morning with our five year old. So rather than having a checklist we just make sure she gets dressed, then eats, brushes her teeth etc…I don’t think she’s quite old enough to follow a checklist yet but I think it’s a good idea to promote consistency and skills to follow directions.
Staci A says
I love the idea of a checklist! Our mornings are so hectic and unorganized. We might have to try your strategy out!
Susie's Homemade says
The checklist really are a good idea. I have the biggest worry-wart in my youngest and the checklist help her have control over her environment and to stay on track.
Rose says
The toys, the ever ominous, seriously over huge pile of toys. (or the five bins of them anyway)
I’ve been trying to sort through them and get rid of all but one bin full. I need more motivation, lol!
Bonnie says
Great idea on the checklist. Might have to do that around here.
#1Nana says
Great organizational tools for your son. All kids, not just kids with ADD, can benefit from these kids of tools. Thanks for sharing.