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Ladies, we spend quite a bit of time on our computers, don’t we? Sometimes time flies and we realize that hours have flown by while we were clicking and perusing, and we didn’t actually accomplish much. That darn Twitter can be quite addictive.
So I am here to tell you about a way to change that. It’s something quick and fun that you can do right now, that can make a huge difference in many lives. And then, once you have taken that time to click and pick, you can treat yourself to some guilt-free blog hopping, because you’ve done your good deed for the hour!! See, it’s a win-win.
And since she did such a fabulous job of describing how you can help the Ovarian Research Cancer Fund, I am going to direct you over to our dear friend, Audrey, who has all of the details about how your click and pick can make a difference! Oh and it has to do with cake, Kelly Ripa and some drool worthy appliances. Some of our favorite things, right?
Lorie Shewbridge says
Thanks for the link… I’ve done it and it is SO easy!!