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(This is a comment and win post! We will be giving away free product to FIVE of our commenters – so keep reading and find out if you want to be one of them! Guess what – Canadians can enter too!)
A few months ago I got an email from FLAVORx asking if I would review their new product FlavorIt and let you all know what I thought.
I laughed and wrote back saying that there was no need to send me a sample! I am already a dedicated FLAVORx customer and had been meaning to post one day to let you all know the secret to getting your kids to take their medicine.
WHAT exactly is FLAVORx and why do I want to tell you about it?
FLAVORx is a behind-the-counter system that is available at pharmacies. It uses medically designed and scientifically tested flavorings to combat the bad taste of liquid medicines. All of the flavorings are FDA approved – AND moms and dads – THEY work!
Let me tell you how I know…
Since my son was an infant, he has refused to take medication. (We are talking gagging, spitting and even projectile vomiting!) At times I even had to resort to giving him suppositories when he had a fever because no matter what I tried, I could not get liquid medicine to go down his throat (and stay there!) When he was two I would explain to him that he needed to swallow it or else I would have to give him the medicine “the other way.” He would choose “the other way” because he hated the medicine THAT much! Needless to say, this was traumatizing for BOTH of us. I mean really!!! That is just NOT something you want to do! But when your child is burning up with fever, you don’t have a choice! (Fortunately I eventually found one brand of chewable ibuprofen with one particular flavor that I could get him to take – but I never had luck finding an acetaminophen that he would tolerate.)
So a year and a half ago Jackson needed some antibiotics. The doctor warned me that it was especially nasty, bitter stuff. “Great,” I thought, “I better buy a lot of chocolate to try to bribe and chase this stuff down.”
But when I went into the pharmacy, the rep for FLAVORx was installing the new system for the pharmacists. The pharmacist looked at the prescription and warned me that this was not going to be easy. Then her face lit up with an idea. “Would you be interested in trying this new flavoring system? We haven’t used it yet – you would be the first.”
“OF COURSE I would be interested!!!!” So the rep took my son’s medication and started adding drops of bitterness suppressants and flavor. The pharmacist then handed the potion over. We looked at Jackson our little test bunny (there was not a better tester for such an idea than him!) and I poured him his dose.
Remember that old Life commercial with Mikey, “He likes – he really likes it!” Yup – that is what happened. My kid LOVED it!
(The only problem that I had now was listening to him whining for his next dose of medication and begging for just a bit more! But let me tell you – that was a much better problem to have!)
That pharmacy now has my absolute devotion. I will not fill my son’s prescriptions anywhere else.
So if you are filling liquid prescriptions for your children, the lesson here is – look for a pharmacy that carries FLAVORx. You will be so glad you did!
BUT, this company is too smart! Now you can have the flavorings at home too to fix any other medicines or unpleasant liquids. The company has come out with a do it yourself kit called FlavorIt. It comes with everything you need to help save the day and get medicine in your child. (You can use it for yourself too – there is no shame in it!)
FlavorIt is only for sale so far in the US, but I am in Canada and like I said, some of our pharmacies do have the behind the counter FLAVORx. My pharmacist has told me that they will fix over the counter medications like fever reducers as well. So just look for a pharmacy that carries FLAVORx!
If you want to try FlavourIt, leave us a comment and we will randomly draw FIVE winners from the commenters on Wednesday night just before midnight Eastern. I will post the winners Thursday morning.
You are not required to link back to this contest although you might want to so you can let your readers know. They might want a chance to try FlavorIt too.
Good luck!
Lisa says
How do I find this product in Canada? I live in London and have looked all over! Please help!
JoAnne Warehime says
my mom is a hospice patient and even though the doctor put her on a liquid antibiotic (levaquin) it still has a bad taste to it, and she spits most of it out. I think flavorit would really help with this problem. The hospice uses a closed pharmacy so I cant just walk in and ask for so flavoring.
Thank you and God Bless
Chad says
Chad from FLAVORx here. This is in response to Carolina. We just came out with a new product called Pill Glide – essentially the new and improved Flavorit. It’s designed to help kids swallow tablets and capsules, but it will work for liquids too. It’s a flavored spray that covers the taste buds to mask bad tastes, and helps pills glide down (hmmm, where did we come up with the name?). You can find out more here… Good luck!
carolina guardiola bogarin says
Please let me know how can I buy flavorlt.
I need it for my kid as soon as possible!
Multiple Hats says
I have heard of this, but don’t know of a pharmacy in my area that carries it – I wish!
Celeste says
Brook takes pills now except for yucky cough stuff!
christieo says
yay!!! i was always wondering if there would be something like this out there! sweet!!!!!
Jo says
I saw these at the store the other day and thought “What a great idea!”.
Nikki says
Wow! I didn’t know this kind of thing was available to the public. I’ve seen pharmacies that provide flavored meds though. Please enter me in your drawing. 🙂
Jasmine says
Wow… neat-o. I’m certainly curious to try something like this.
Lory says
Unlike everything my kids see on tv, THIS is something we could really USE! My daughter does fine with meds but my son–gags, coughs, spits–whatever it takes. We’ve got to try this!
Urailak says
Thanks for letting us know about this product. It sounds wonderful.
Kris says
That is such a smart idea! I knew that they used the flavor addition at my pharmacy, but to be able to do it for OTC meds too? The cost of no more whinning when taking meds…PRICELESS!!!
Tiffanie says
WOW that would be so much better. My daughter will not take pills. She’s ten and just plain won’t do it. She won’t even try. We have an even worse time trying to get her to take her liquid medicine. My son also takes Zantac every day for acid reflux and will spit the stuff out. He’s two and this is something he HAS to take everyday or he’s has tummy pain. That would make our lives so much easier! Yeah!!
Karla Meachem says
WoW! Jackson sounds identical to our son! I am so thankful they have found an alternative to help administering meds more easily. Not sure my son would be as willing to try this solution as I would be…but it would be worth a shot!
chris says
I’ve flavored this for my kids before, but last month i told my father to try flavoring his medicine ( i think it was called Fleets) before his colonoscopy. He said that FLAVORx took away the bitter and salty taste.
Chrissy says
I’ve never tried this before. Should come in very handy. guess I should call my local pharmacy to see if they offer it.
Dana says
My son HATES to take liquid medicine…I would love to try this. (I might even try it myself…) – ha ha
Alexis says
I’ve used this before. I love love love it.
The Pumkin Patch says
Been wanting to try that! 😀
Charis says
Oh, I have heard of this, but never tried it! You have inspired me to try it!
Kim says
I’d love to try this with my daughter’s cough medicine. The kind that works tastes just awful. I can barely stand to take it when I need it.
Lauren says
Wow- that sounds awesome!
Jenn says
We love it – in meds we get at the pharmacist it’s the ONLY way Zachary will tolerate meds, and sometimes even with it he will not 🙁
I cant wait to see if I can find flavorit here – OMG that’s awesome – WOW! 😀
jen says
what a great product
I know medicine can be a real chore to give to children so this is wonderful
annaliza says
fortunately, my kids didn’t have a traumatizing resistance to bad tasting medication. however, i DO believe this prescription mask is a great invention! it’s one of those things i wish i invented!! hehe!!
lacey says
I saw this in the store and was wondering what it was but I was yanked away by my 2 year old niece on a mad dash for the toy section. I would love to win this for my niece who refuses to take meds.
PT-LawMom says
This sounds great, although I worry a bit about them begging for more. My son already begs for Cherry-flavored Tylenol to chase his yucky Zyrtec! 😉
MommaBlogger says
I used to use it when my son had to take reflux meds. He loved it.
laughing mommy says
I’d like to try it. My 4 year old daughter resists taking medicines. It got so bad at one point I called the doctor, crying, and they said to strap her in her carseat so she coudln’t get away and squirt it in her mouth!
This could be just what I’m looking for. Thanks!
Becca says
I’d love to give it a try.
Erna says
Interesting concept! I wonder if this is what they use in my daughter’s medicine. Although, if they’re spoiled with this is there any turning back? LOL! Sounds interesting to me.
CPA Mom and Soccer Mom Angela says
Oh, I’d love to try this!
Lani from The Wooden Porch says
Wow! That’s awesome! My daughter had to have 10 rounds of antibiotics before she was one year old (on top of 9 rounds while I was pregnant, red flag there??) She hated the stuff and I used to have to sit on her to get her to take it. It was terrible. I really could have used that! Even still, now I have a baby boy who isn’t so crazy about medicine.
Yukon girl says
Hi Janice, I’m not sure if they have FLAVORx in the Yukon. I’ll have to check. If not, I guess I’ll just have to win the contest 😉 The boys say hi to Jackson. We miss you!
Michelle B. says
I have seen this recently at Walmart and was wondering about it. I would love to try this. I have a son that is very difficult to get medicine into. If this works it would be great.
Frog Princess says
Boy do I wish they had this when i was a kid! It sounds great. Our two little ones have yet to need any medication other than infant Tylenol! And they both love that…but there will be a day!
Caley says
I just got a prescription filled for my 22-month-old this morning. I got about 3/4 of the dose down his throat before he spit most of it out all over himself and me and refused to take the rest. I didn’t know something like FLAVORx existed but I am soooo glad to be in the know now!
Lisa Knight says
I needed this the last time the boy had Penicillin, I could barely stomach the stuff.
Race Mom says
What a phenomenally cool idea! I have gotten more than my fair share of liquid RX showers!
Jill H. says
Wow, I NEED to try this DD has been an absolute terror to medicate….and the docs act like “here mom just squrt it down just so”…and that you’re a bad mom for having trouble! Off to see if any of my local pharmacies have this…
Linda says
I would love to try this!
michelle says
I have seen this but havent tried it yet. And what a great way to see how it works. Count me in!
Shera says
I’m so glad that you shared detailed information about this product with us! I saw a flyer on a pharmacy window about it and had no idea what it was all about and no pharmacist has ever offered to use it for us. We have to do a lot of meds around here through RSV season and rarely have a week where someone isn’t on something!
Carrie says
This is good to hear!! I keep seeing it advertised in the drug store but just didn’t know how good it was. My daughter takes quite a few meds daily for her disease but she takes them well. Although, she HATES the flavor. Thanks so much for this review!
Linda says
This sounds great! My kids are both terrible at taking medications. For the longest time, my son was okay, but now he refuses and the only way to get it in him is to do the “medicine pin-down” which means he’s on the floor, between my legs (head at crotch) and arms under my thighs. This is a hit or miss proposition, though, because he can STILL gag it up. And my daughter who is 6 still fusses about meds….
Heidi says
Wow~ this sounds fantastic!
My 6 year old daughter is great at taking medicine. However, she has asthma that gets really bad at times and they put her on liquid steroids. That stuff tastes absolutely horrible and I hate when I have to give it to her! I’m always saying “why can’t they make it taste better?!” This just might be the solution.
Thanks for sharing!
Homemom3 says
I have three kids that HATE medicine, and it is a struggle for me to try giving it to them. The last time my (at the time) 9 year old fought me over it, I had to literally hold him down. Ikkk. My 6 year old will spit it right back out. Talk about disgusting. The other I think is learning from her older siblings. I’d love a chance at trying this out and seeing if it works for them the next time. It would be much better than cleaning up the mess of medicine afterwards.
T with Honey says
If only they had created this system when I was little! I learned to swallow pills whole at the early age of 3 just so I wouldn’t have to taste the liquid stuff.
Susan says
Too bad they didn’t have this when my kids were little…it sounds great! Any hints for getting an older kid to swallow pills (even little ones!) Thank goodness for chewables!
Karen says
I tried it once for Boo’s meds about a year ago and he loved it too!!!
Bridget says
Medicine my child will LOVE? That is definitely a product worth trying! I will definitely be looking out for that product. Thanks for the tip!
Twisted Cinderella says
I’ll definitely have to ask my pharmasict about this. Little Princess hates medicine.
Girl Gone Wild says
I’ve heard about this, but have never tried it. With flu’s and cold’s going around our house this week, I SOOOOO wish I had it. I’m even getting tired of the so-called “yummalisious grape”!
Heather says
Wow. Luckily my 10 month old takes medication with no fuss (he’s had zantac & others since early on.) But my 3 year old is a different story! He doesn’t like any of it. I’d love some of this product!
problem girl says
We use this whenever we get my son’s allergy medication. It’s the only way he’ll take it. This is really great stuff!