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Thank you so much for your wonderful, encouraging comments! I appreciate you so much!
It is so comforting to hear that some of you also have had bleeding and scares during your pregnancies and everything turned out fine with your babies. 🙂
I had my ultrasound today and things look good! Thank you Lord!!! The doctor thinks that it might have been the polyps causing the bleeding, but it will be interesting to hear what the OB/Gyn says on Tuesday.
I am trying to take it easy. The bleeding has stopped, but my belly does feel tender and not totally normal so I am trying to take your advice and rest.
Jackson and Phil will be home tomorrow. It will be great to have them back. Last night I felt quite lonely and sad being all alone and not being able to go check in on my sleeping son before I went to bed. Isn’t it funny – our kids can really tire us out (and I really do enjoy a break now and then.) But when they are gone, we sure do miss them!
I hope you are having a good weekend. God Bless!
GiBee says
Praise God that all things are fine. I’ve been thinking of you a great deal these last few weeks… Stay rested, my friend!!!
kailani says
So glad to hear that things are going as well as can be expected. I remember when I was pregnant the second time, I worried about every little thing. However, I remembered the doctor saying that stress was not a good thing and that I should just let nature take it’s course no matter what the outcome. It’s still hard, though. Get plenty of rest! You’ll need it!
Modern Mami says
I’m so glad things turned out ok. I do hope you stopped vacuuming and got some rest! 😉
Modern Mami
Twisted Cinderella says
I am so glad to hear that everything looks okay! Keep your feet up and keep rested!
Terri says
Great news and yes, keep resting!
Praying for you!
Crystal says
I am glad things are ok….it’s encouraging to read how you have trusted God through this trial….thanks for being real!
Heidi says
Hugs, I want your baby out (in October) all pink and wrinkly and healthy too. My best friend had bleeding off and on with both of her pregnancy’s which resulted in healthy kids. I’m praying for you here as that’s the last thing I’d want to see right now too.
MommaBlogger says
I’m so happy everything is going well for you!
Susanne says
Just saw this for the first time. I’m glad you recieved good news and you make sure you do get that rest! Praying for more good news to come on Tuesday!
christieo says
Janice that it so wonderful! I logged on to read this and my mouth dropped open. This is exactly what I’ve been going through this weekend too!! I started bleeding on Thursday. I am only 7 weeks along and I have been a complete mess, and of course, the doctor told me too, all I can do is wait. I am have a followup ultrasound this week too. Blessings to you and that little baby, I am glad that everything is going okay! Trying to rest is the hardest thing to tell a mom to do, but we have to do it somehow! Hugs to you! You remain in my thoughts and prayers!
Darlene (CWO) says
I’m so glad to read this post. I hope you continue in good health. I’ve been praying for you all weekend.
Kassandra says
I pray that you get more good news on Tuesday! Love reading your blog too!
A Fellow Due in October Mommy
Tamara Cosby says
apparently erased something before I hit send, ha!! Ok…I was trying to say Anxiously waiting for Tuesday’s report! 🙂 XOXOX Tamara
Tamara Cosby says
Ok…missed the previous post! I am so glad everything is ok! Anxiously waiting Tam
Jenny says
Good. You should take it easy just like they said. I woulda been so scared. I hope all is well in the future as well.
jen says
Praise the Lord
I will continue to pray
hope Jackson and Phil are having a fab time
mcewen says
Those bitter sweet moments can be so sobering. So glad to hear that all is well.
Best wishes
Nell T. says
That is wonderful news Janice!
Carey says
Im so glad to hear everything seems to be ok with you and your baby. I hope you enjoyed your rest time. Did your boys have a fun time at the cabin?
Happy Easter!
Lu says
We are glad to know that you and your baby are ok. I can’t imagine the stress and worry….. I also love breaks from the Bubbie, but I miss him after a few hours and can’t wait to hug him. Happy Easter…
Jean-Luc Picard says
That’s so good to hear, Janice!
Kari says
Still praying and sending hugs!
Carrie says
Woohoo! I’m glad both you and the little one are okay.
Isn’t that funny with kids? We long for a day off and when we get one, we pine away and miss the little buggers. 🙂
Enjoy your Easter!
Heather says
I just read your posts about this and my heart hurt for you. I remember how I felt when I experienced the bleeding after conceiving my daughter. I was sooo mad that I had told a few people about our pregnancy and was convinced I was losing my first baby. Thankfully she is now almost 5 years old. Any bleeding during pregnancy makes me freak out too.
I’m happy that your little bean is still doing well. Pregnancy is such a happy but scary time.
Jenn says
Thank God – I am so glad everything is ok! What a relief that must be.
I totally know where your coming from when you say kids sure do wear you out but man, you can sure miss them when there gone! Aubrey’s been with her father for a week and is finally going to be home tomorrow, I am SO happy!
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter and know your still in my thoughts and prayers!
Kara says
I’m glad things are going better and the bleeding stopped, I’m sure that must have been so scary!
Have a wonderful Easter!
Adventures In Babywearing says
Oh, I am so glad to hear this good news! I know just what you mean about checking in on the little ones before bed- I love that!