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This stack of papers has been here for years!
It started off as a good idea.
A few years ago, my mom put a jumbo spiral notebook in this corner of the kitchen to record phone messages, to-do lists, etc. (She wanted all of us to use it to keep messages organized, but alas – only she used it.) It worked wonderfully for her. And I am sure it would for us. But slowly the pile got bigger so that the book is lost underneath the clutter and chaos.
My mom is rarely here now – for those of you who don’t know, my family shares a house with my mom. But we have our home office out of Susan’s house a couple blocks away and since she works almost all the time, she pretty much lives there! So she has her phone line forwarded there most of the time and doesn’t take many messages and calls here anymore.
I am going to tackle this mess – and find out all what is in there – and then decide if any notebook or system will remain in that corner.
I am putting up this before picture now in case any of you early birds want to link up tonight. I will update with my after shot in a couple hours when I am done.
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Here is my after shot. I sorted through all the papers and old catalogs, filed the important papers and got rid of the rest. I decided the book is a great idea, but I moved it to my bookshelf next to the kitchen table. The phone sitting there is an extra one we are not currently using, but I keep it handy for when the power goes out and the cordless phones do not work.
What are you working on?
Join Us For Tackle It Tuesday
We’re making housework blog-able!
Each week on Tuesday, we are posting before and after pictures of a project or trouble area that we tackled this week.
Find out more about Tackle It Tuesday here.
The project can be little or big – whatever you want. Basically, Tackle It Tuesday is about giving ourselves incentive, deadlines and satisfaction in getting our household tasks done.
jen says
well done
Steph says
Good tackle! I have two of those I should clean up some time in the near future!!
kardel says
That is a great tackle. I have lots of piles like that to get to. This is my first week to join in the tackling. I hope this will be a good incentive for me to keep going!
amber says
I had a pile like yours (x10) in my kitchen that I tackled today. It feels great to put out the hot spots doesn’t it?
melody says
It seems I am going to have to jump on this wagon, too. My house is screaming at me.
Q&Q says
I have 3 stacks like that. In my kitchen, my dining table and on my computer table. I’m supposed to clean them every Wed. Oh! That’s tomorrow. Well I guess I’ll have tackle it Wednesday! Great tackle and thank you for reminding me. Sigh!
Lore says
Great job, I have a stack like it that I want to make it disappear like your did in the pics!!! 🙂
have a nice rest of the week~
Jenn says
Great work Janice!!!
It’s been ages since I participated in Tackle It Tuesday – BOY do I miss it!! Yesterday we tackled visiting, we drove 2 hours to see an old friend of mine – it was not so fun – at least the driving part! Zachary does NOT like the car!
Then today I tackled calling the ped to see about getting a referral to see a developmental ped. It’s time and I am sick of the run around the school and his current ped are giving me!
After that I took the day off, Zachary and I just got home from the park! It’s a lovely day, the last for a while (gonna rain tomorrow) so we just took off! 🙂 It felt kinda good!
So alas no tackle it post again this week (though maybe one tonight, about our tackle with the stupid schools lately) but for now! 🙂 We are taking it easy and enjoying the weather!
0cean Lady says
Good job! There are a couple of stacks of papers here that need organizing too. 🙂
Mona says
Very good job! THose paper jobs sure do add up and make an eyesore, don’t they! You did really great with tackling it and getting it done!
Julie says
Looks beautiful! I love a clean and clutterfree kitchen counter. I reach that wonderful state about once a week! Why is it that one corner becomes the catch all for any loose papers, mail, receipts, etc??
Reminds me of my sweet mother. She was a “pile-er”, but didn’t want them all over the place. So when one pile got too big she would “put it away” to start a new pile. When she died and we were going through her house, my husband said “I think there may be something on the china cabinet”. There was…about 6 neat piles!
aka R'acquel! says
After the efforts I’ve put into my home in the last 48hrs, this is precisely the kind of tackle i should’ve considered as my main agenda. Something small, something feasible, something closer to my own heart. Thanks for the simplicity – my life needs more of this.
tanyetta says
you inspire me 🙂
katkat says
My paper pile is too scary maybe I’ll have the courage to do it next
Heather L. says
Looks great! It feels so good to see clear countertops. I know cause mine were clear sometime a few years ago. I ahven’t seen them since, but I remember it being great! ;o)
Thanks for hosting!
devildogwife says
Yes, we have several of those piles as well. I think they just magically appear. 😉 Great tackle!
Shereen says
That’s a great tackle. I have a love/hate relationship with paper. I have a huge bin of papers to tackle one day. One day…… Thanks for sharing.
Twisted Cinderella says
Great Job on your pile of papers!
I have to tell you, being married to Prince Charming, I will always have piles of papers. I did my kitchen and living room.
One thing I did was sort through the papers in the kitchen and give them a basket to contain them on top of the microwave.
Michelle says
I have a “few” of those piles that I need to tackle! Great job!
jenny says
great to see the after photo…i don’t have any pics for today but still a lot of tackles to do!
Mrs Lifecruiser says
Oh, my, I always like to do the “sort paper thing” but o’boy what a time consumer it is!!!!
Looking gooooood Janice!
ChupieandJsmama says
I’m taking the children “out” today for part of my tackle. Wish me luck !! And the other part is similar to yours, only it spread through an entire area of my kitchen counter 🙂 Have a blessed Tuesday !!
misslionheart says
I’m looking for a bit of the Good Life. We’re planting more seeds today.
(Anything to keep the children quiet) 😆
Coffee 2 go says
You did a great job, Janice! Sorting through all the papers is definitely not walk in the park 😉
I´ve tackled a play corner for Luis, our 11 months old son – my second tackle, but 1st “life tackle” after posting a list of my upcoming tackles last week!
Have a great tackle-time ya all 🙂
Carrie says
Woot, I’m second!
Was your Mom ever a secretary? That seems like something a secretary would do. 🙂