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War is so far from anything I have personally experienced that it is impossible for me to imagine. Nothing scares me as much as the thought of war. But we all get so used to hearing the word, I think it loses it’s rightful sting.
War is the greatest tragedy. We thank everyone who has suffered the ultimate sacrifice so that the rest of us might live safely.
Beyond words are our thanks.
Our prayers continue.
Image from
rc says
Thoughtful post!
Susie's Homemade says
You are right…thank you seems so small but it does mean the world to every veteran out there.
Jenny says
I’m not really praying for anyone because I’m not religious or nothing. But I DO hope that they come home safe. Posts like these remind me of a picture I found online of Bush… made up of photos of all the men and women who died for this BS war. It’s pretty sad that our husband and wives and friends and family have to be murdered over something as retarded as a fight over who has the bigger dick… Our gov’t sucks.
Heather says
The best way to thank our veterans is to never forget the price they have paid for our freedom. We need to pass down the memories from generation to generation…
Cascia says
That is beautiful. We are praying for our troops too.